Video Playback.

You may have video streaming issues which is often really frustrating. The solution can sometimes simple and sometimes you just don’t know why the videos are not playing.

See below to find out possible solutions

See below if you need help to navigate the course

Video image


Troubleshoot Video Playback Issues

Our videos use standard video players, however different devices will show the player differently.

Many browsers have trouble with video. Google Chrome is the recommended browser for your courses. Browsers such as Internet Explore (IE), Edge, Firefox, Opera, and sometimes Safari will have intermittent success with videos. You may watch an entire course and be fine, and suddenly it doesn’t work. 

Most issues are resolved when using Google Chrome. Browser software are constantly being improved upon. Make sure you are using the latest version of your browser for peak performance. The latest version of each browser, including Chrome, can be found here.

Browser cache is detected. Browser caching for dynamic requests may result in serving stale content.

  • Check your internet security settings
  • Restart your computer
  • Bandwidth issue (depending on some countries)
  • Disable any browser extensions, plugins or add-on, applications
  • Modem or router issues

You can view all of our courses on any device, However we strongly suggest using either a desktop, laptop or iPad for best user friendly accessibility, many of our courses have test, quizzes or knowledge checks which can be difficult to answer using a Mobile device.

All our courses meet the Accessibility Act requirements. All our videos come with Closed Captions, however not all browser support this feature. We suggest using Chrome to be able to access the CC.